Wednesday 26 November 2014


With the abundance of information on the Internet, the job of a marketer is no longer to find the leads, it is to help leads find you, this is where INBOUND MARKETING steps in.
Inbound marketing is an approach to marketing that attracts individuals to our brands and converts them into lasting customers. Inbound Marketing is different from traditional marketing. Traditional Marketing activities such as cold calls, cold mails made people annoyed where as Inbound Marketing on the other hand focuses on attracting people instead of annoying them. Inbound Marketing is all about content in the form of blogs, images, pod casts, videos and distributing the content at right place at right time. Inbound Marketing strategies utilises many forms of pull marketing- content marketing,  blogs, SEO, Social Media and more - to create brand awareness and attract attention of the people.
The Methodology of Inbound Marketing-
ATTRACT- attract strangers and convert them into visitors by creating and distributing valuable content. Use blogs, content marketing, social media, presentations, E-books.
CONVERT-Convert websites visitors into leads. Use CTA's, forms, gathering their contact information
CLOSE- Convert leads into customers through lead nurturing. Do social media interactions, send them emails,give offers.
DELIGHT-Delight customers to turn them into promoters of your brand. Engage with customers, build positive relationships, encourage them spread word for you.
Inbound Marketing is very effective. It creates more leads nearly 54% more leads are generated through inbound marketing as compared to outbound marketing. Thus Using Inbound Marketing helps turns strangers into customers and promoters of the business.